Saturday, December 5, 2009

TradeMe Listing Closing Tonight!


This week's TradeMe listing is closing tonight in New Zealand time at 10pm!

This one's got two watchers on it already so keep your eyes out for it!

Exciting exciting :3

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vinyl Works

What's this? A rope?

A noose? A gnarly tree hole?

No, it are vinyl artwork yo.

And here's the bum bum bit.

And yes, this is a big fat post.

They were all photographed on an A1 sized cardboard, I know, it's a lame justification of of an explation of forgetting to measure them as I photographed them, reaaaaaaaaaaal smart.

Little vinyl works, gotta set up my Paypal account before I can sell them on Etsy, don't wanna use Credit card :P Oooh scary, American dollar conversion.

If you click on them to enlarge them you'll see that they're vinyl stickers still stuck to the adhesive paper they came with and I just cut away what I choose to get the resulted imagery.

Yellow Lotus Chicken Head Crowny.... yes, I don't like art titles.

More shots.

More saturation to pimp it up.

Tadah, the whole body.

And the bum bit.

Next we move onto reddy goodness~~

Chunky roostery peacocky alchemy animal.

Close up yo.

Introducing the chunkilicious chunky Ms Red.

The entire robuest chunky Ms Red.

I see so much red.

Green twins, I calls it.

Oooh, chunky crop?

No, it are wolfie woggie creature amalgamated togezor.

Wolf wolf woofie woof woof, lines lines lines.

Ooooh chunky chunky bark bark.

It's ovahhhhhh!!! Will let y'all know when I put 'em on TM!!!!!!!!!!

I mean Etsyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

OK, where do I begin?

Oh hai thar! (Sorry Rache I knicked this off ya).

It's been over a month since I've last updated, so I'm going to take this chance to update what I haven't updated but which should have been updated so now updated, finally.

First up, my submissions to FEW, never before seen images! As you can see the two Taniwhas have already been purchased :) They're all done in pencil/pen but pimped up via Photoshop.

Hmmm for some reason the Taniwhas always look shoddy when I upload them via blogger.

I've also created a new Facebook "fan page" that seperates my business from my personal life, if ya become a fan you'll have access to my awesome artworks :P also the latest news of art sales too.

Eat your eyes out!