They were all photographed on an A1 sized cardboard, I know, it's a lame justification of of an explation of forgetting to measure them as I photographed them, reaaaaaaaaaaal smart.
Little vinyl works, gotta set up my Paypal account before I can sell them on Etsy, don't wanna use Credit card :P Oooh scary, American dollar conversion.
If you click on them to enlarge them you'll see that they're vinyl stickers still stuck to the adhesive paper they came with and I just cut away what I choose to get the resulted imagery.
Yellow Lotus Chicken Head Crowny.... yes, I don't like art titles.
More shots.
More saturation to pimp it up.
Tadah, the whole body.
And the bum bit.
Next we move onto reddy goodness~~
Chunky roostery peacocky alchemy animal.
Close up yo.
Introducing the chunkilicious chunky Ms Red.
The entire robuest chunky Ms Red.
I see so much red.
Green twins, I calls it.
Oooh, chunky crop?
No, it are wolfie woggie creature amalgamated togezor.
Wolf wolf woofie woof woof, lines lines lines.
Ooooh chunky chunky bark bark.
It's ovahhhhhh!!! Will let y'all know when I put 'em on TM!!!!!!!!!!
It's been over a month since I've last updated, so I'm going to take this chance to update what I haven't updated but which should have been updated so now updated, finally.
First up, my submissions to FEW, never before seen images! As you can see the two Taniwhas have already been purchased :) They're all done in pencil/pen but pimped up via Photoshop.
Hmmm for some reason the Taniwhas always look shoddy when I upload them via blogger.
I've also created a new Facebook "fan page" that seperates my business from my personal life, if ya become a fan you'll have access to my awesome artworks :P also the latest news of art sales too.
Play the doom doomity doom doom biddy bid bid game, or, Buy Now XD
Have yet to set up a PayPal account.
All sales will go towards funding my Emergency Counter Doomsday Device (i.e. dark Arabica coffee beans and chocolate), and flatting costs like toilet paper, it's a sad sad day when you ran out of money and toilet paper, very sad indeed.
Without further ado, click away people, and I'm here for any questions at all!
For those who don't know what Trade Me is, it's a New Zealand version of eBay.
In future I will register myself a PayPal account, expand expand expaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!
Click on either the picture above or the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink to get to my listiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings.
Sorry, but I've been learning how to code, so much that my finger tips are tender as veal~~
I've just recently completed a website design assignment, so I designed the website that I'd like to own one day, portfolio site duh, with real domain name and everything.
Technically it happened nearly 3 weeks ago, but here goes!
By project, I mean that I was working on a campaign which aimed to help Student Job Search (if you don't live in New Zealand, it's a government run agency that's existed for the last 27 or so years that help students to find jobs and for employers to list jobs, anything from casual to permanent part time, absolutely free!
They screen and short list students for you so yeah, you get the idea, anybody have anything similar to that in their home country?) to persuade more employers out there (anybody from stressed housewives, small to medium business owners or just general office administration, retail and hospitality) to hire more students through them, 'cause of the recession (yes yes yes the R word, man that comes around tons), there had been a 20% drop of employers listing jobs with SJS, ironically around 20% more students signed up to it, you get the idea.
OK, so here ws the process~~~
I saw the advertisement, which surprise surprise, two weeks til the dead line.
Planned around ideas, but for some reason due to my not so PC nature I was very fond of the voraephilic undertone, which reflected in my initial 'Sample Us!' campaign through my two poster designs, as seen below. Believe me, toning down was the hardest!
So hold on a minute, why am I making such a big fuss about this?
'Cause you know why?
If I didn't start this blog to begin with, I wouldn't have done squat all, I wouldn't be drawing, I wouldn't be manipulating images, I wouldn't be scanning, I wouldn't be editing, I wouldn't be thinking, my brain would've just been rotting away to all Hell!
In other words if I didn't have my dear audience, especially Awesome Sara, the queen of all queens of champion blog commentators, my silent fans (yes I know you guys exist! Speak out or I shall prod your browser to all buggery!) that leaves endearing notes to know that yes, I've seen your work and I know you do exist, and good on you for moving along with post-graduation blues and actually trying to do something with yo' life!
Hence why I'm skipping my unsupervised lab time today and do this big arse bloggie post 'cause I think my audience deserve it! Also I need some time to enjoy coffee, 'cause the reggae music at uni cafe just doesn't cut it with moi.
OK, so here goes the first e-mail I sent them, we had to give a CV, a Cover Letter (less than 200 words), and obviously portfolio, I no can give you me CV, but I can give you my Cover Letter, which follows before the images, yes of course they wanted a portfolio! :P
I believe I can achieve the objective of the campaign successfully because I possess strong determination, relevant design skills and I am very familiar with how the dynamics between employers, students and SJS staff works therefore I know the kind of environment I am designing for, professional and ethical.
I have designed two posters for what I believe that the hypothetical brief would ask of me, which is to boldly present the objectives of SJS which in this case, strongly appeals to the financial advantage and user friendliness of the employers.
If chosen, I would tackle the brief and take it to the next level, for being a returning graduate has strengthened my determination to acquire more relevant skills in contemporary design as well as making connections.
Here I attach my Curriculum Vitae and portfolio.
I look forward to discuss further with you.
Yours Faithfully
Ariel Ni-Wei Huang
Man, looking back, it sucks ############################## (insert imaginery words) I gotta learn to write like a businessman (or an accountant, which ever makes me sound more business-like, or whatnot, blech.)
Ah well, here are the images!
Next post, the down and dirrrrrrrrrrrty! (Sketches you perves! Jeez what do you people feed your mind with!)
I have a degree in Fine Arts.
And will commence studying for a degree in Computer Graphic Design.
Enquiries can be directed to the following e-mail: