Saturday, October 17, 2009


Wow, that was quite a roll on TradeMe, really encouraged me to go back and list some more on there!

I'm happy to announce that I've sold the following artworks, as shown here:

Thank you Cydonia and the other buyer who bought the girl and the wolf!

Going to list some more artworks up now!


Another week of anticipation awaits!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm Selling My Babehs on Trade Me!

How reasonable are we talking about?

The A4 B/W pen drawings are at a start price at $5, Buy Now at $15.

There is one with a wee stain on the left, so the start price s at $3.50, Buy Now at $13.

There are currently two mixed media ones (pen and water-soluble colouring in pencils) with starting price at $20 and Buy Now at $40.

Here I drop you this link here~~~

Ariel's Trade Me Listings!

Play the doom doomity doom doom biddy bid bid game, or, Buy Now XD

Have yet to set up a PayPal account.

All sales will go towards funding my Emergency Counter Doomsday Device (i.e. dark Arabica coffee beans and chocolate), and flatting costs like toilet paper, it's a sad sad day when you ran out of money and toilet paper, very sad indeed.

Without further ado, click away people, and I'm here for any questions at all!

For those who don't know what Trade Me is, it's a New Zealand version of eBay.

In future I will register myself a PayPal account, expand expand expaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!

Click on either the picture above or the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink to get to my listiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Most recent pics yet!

I drew this one while watching Dilbert.

This is the sketch for my Maya project.
"All dressed up and nowhere to go...." XD
